Resources | Fatima Documentary: (28 min., most important parts of the apparitions and messages) Fatima Chronology: Fatima Chronology of Events Josef Ratzinger told a close priest friend that the Third Secret of Fatima included the foretelling of "a bad council and a bad mass": Josef Ratzinger saysThe Secret Still Hidden by Christopher Ferrara "Pope Pius XII read the Third Secret of Fatima on May 13, 1957 in the company of various cardinals, one of them the American Cardinal Samuel Stritch, who revealed part of it to two priest associates. Part 1 @ 6:10 to 9:50 Sister Lucy Impostor (Sr Lucia's last public words in 1957 before being "disappeared," very likely murdered, and replaced by an impostor) The Secret of Mary, Text The Secret of Mary Audio version |