Q. Are you an officially Church-recognized organization?
A. At present, the Knights of the Holy Rosary does not officially
call itself a "Catholic organization" and as such is not affiliated with any
particular diocese. We do confer with several Catholic priests,
however, in order to maintain orthodoxy in everthing we do. The
spiritual advisor for the Knights of the Holy Rosary is Fr
Rolando Petronio.
Q. Is your site secure?
A. Yes. Our site is hosted on secure servers and is encrypted for
your protection.
Q. How can I get in touch with you if I have a question?
A. Please see the Contact Us page for information on getting in touch
with us.
Q. May women be Knights of the Holy Rosary instead of Dames?
A. Yes. Even though "Dame" is traditionally a title of honor, in English
today it can also carry a less positive connotation, and some
women may not like it. Also, since there will always be Joan of
Arcs among us, women may therefore be either Knights or Dames of
the Holy Rosary.
Q. May non-Catholics also join the Knights?
A. Yes, non-Catholics may also join the Knights if they are willing
to keep the commitments involved.
Q. If there are no meetings, how do we organize?
A. Meetings are optional, although meeting with other Knights in one's
area for prayer, discussion, and/or organizing apostolic activities is
encouraged. One may also communicate and organize by means of the internet,
especially our blog, knightsoftheholyrosary.wordpress.com or in other ways.
Q. Do you take any position on the Third Secret of Fatima, whether it
has been fully disclosed by the Vatican, and/or whether Russia has
been consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as she requested?
A. As an organization we do not take any position on those important and
widely debated subjects but on our Resources page you should be able to
see enough evidence that there has been a coverup by the Vatican, the
replacement of Sr. Lucia by an impostor, and that what was revealed
in 2000 as the "Third Secret of Fatima" is either incomplete (no words
of Our Lady of Fatima were given) or was completely made up.
There is an abundance of evidence that there is a written part of the
Third Secret besides the vision the children had which was published
in 2000. THe evidence including statements made by several Vatican
prelates who read the Secret, can be found in Christopher Ferrara's
book, THe Secret Still Hidden, which can be downloaded and read online
The Secret Still Hidden
Q. Is it OK to get tattoos showing devotion to Mary and the rosary and
affiliation with the Knights?
A. We believe that if the motive for having a tattoo is not vanity
but promoting the Catholic faith and the salvation of souls,
it is morally licit. However we neither encourage nor discourage
such tattoos. Each member is free to choose how he will bear
Catholic withness, but recourse to a spiritual director is
recomended. (More on this below.)
Q. I thought tattoos were an example of violating the body, which
is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
A. There are differences of opinion among orthodox theologians
regarding tattoos. Many believe that an apostolic motive permits
Catholic tattoos. The key point is the motive for having a tattoo.
Having ink under one's skin in itself is not sinful, but vanity is.
There is also the principle of "enculturation" to be taken into account.
Simply put, it involves taking something that is popular in one's
culture - as long as it's not intrinsically evil - and doing it in
a Christian manner. Doing violence to one's body is not intrinsically
evil. If it were, surgery and ear-piercing would be sinful.
(This is a good subject for lively discussion in our Blog.)
Q. Why not promote a more recent message of the Blessed Virgin
such as at Medjugorje instead of Fatima, which happened almost a
century ago?
A. One should not promote or be attached to unapproved private
revelations, and even more so those that have been judged by Church
authority to be not authentic, not of supernatural origin, such as
Medjugorje, which has been called the greatest spiritual hoax of the
last century, and has been the source of serious division in the Church
and of great harm to souls (see Medugorje - A Warning, by Michael Davies,
available online; also The Medjugorje Deception: Queen of Peace,
Ethnic Cleansing, Ruined Lives, by E. Michael Jones at culturewars.com).
Few Catholics know that most supposed private revelations (St John of the
Cross says over 90%) come from either the devil or the persons involved
and not from God. He even says, "The devil rejoices when people seek
private revelations." Attachment to them often becomes a spiritual addiction.
Until they have been approved by the Church we should have nothing to do
with them. The Message of Fatima has been called by several popes and many
theologians the most important message from heaven for our times.
(See Resources)